Wednesday, March 10, 2010

RAAARRRR, Retract Those Claws

Ok, so about that Clomid: Remember how I wrote that my only symptom were the hot flashes?? Well, maybe I spoke too soon (something I tend to do often). Symptom #2: Mood Swings. What do I mean by this? Let's start with Sunday, I was talking to my mom on the phone and she had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday that she had asked Lori (my amazing sister) and I to accompany her to two weeks prior to this telephone conversation. Well, I have this appointment written down in my planner, and had planned to work over a couple hours on Monday to take off on Tuesday, instead of dipping into my annual leave. Remember, got to save that vacation and sick leave for hopeful future Baby Cagle. Well, Mom couldn't make up her mind and didn't know if she wanted Lori and I to go with her or if she still wanted to go to this consultation, and instead, she wanted her friend Nancy to go, or so she thought. She then says "Are you mad?" My response "No, but I just need you to make up your mind and quit being so indecisive? Are you going or aren't you? Your appointment is on Tuesday and tomorrow is Monday. I have to work over tomorrow to go with you, and you don't know if you want me to go, you need to tell me now. Dang, this Clomid." She just burst into laughter, which then made me laugh and I was fine. Additionally, Charlie's shoes all over the downstairs where he took them off and left them wasn't helping matters either. Fast forward to Tuesday. I noticed on Tuesday and already starting out today that I have just been extra feisty and really quick to get upset. Geez, I thought these symptoms were only going to last for a few days after the Clomid was finished. WRONG!!

Symptom #3: mild acne. Ok, not to brag, but I have been blessed with fair and clear skin. However, I have noticed that I have had these zits (you know the ones that never really surface into a head, but just bumps under the skin) on my forehead. They are not all over my forehead, but they are in the center above my nose, which when I inspect them, I see the wrinkles that have begun to develop as a result of raising my eyebrows in states of shock and/or amazement.

Clomid, you are a hassle, but I hope that you can achieve your purpose for me.

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