Monday, March 22, 2010

I Blinked...and the Weekend was OVER!!

We had a fantastic weekend. Ross and Lindsey came to visit Friday and Charlie had picked up steaks at The Peach Stand to grill that night. Some of you may not know what The Peach Stand is, but its a York County treasure, that when you pass through, you should just stop and visit. Needless to say, steaks from there are out of this world. Ross and Lindsey brought their dog, Hula, to visit as well. Bless her heart, Hula wants to play so badly, but our dogs, Tonka and Stella, only weigh 9 lbs between the 2 of them, so playing with 30 lb. cousin Hula didn't work out too well. Confession time: I am a Twilight Fanatic and "New Moon" was released on Friday night. Lori, my friend Erin, and I were in line at 11:00 pm at our local Wal-Mart to pick up our copy. In addition to my "ultimate fan edition" dvd, I also scored a REALLY nice "Team Edward" water bottle and some Twlight trading cards and temporary tattoos. The tattoos and cards are in the trash, and Edward Cullen is waiting for me for gym time use. I'll post a picture of the water bottle soon.
On Saturday, we celebrated our dear friend Gabe's 30th birthday party at Brixx in Blakeney and then some bowling action at SportsConnection.
We tried out Sunday school this past Sunday and LOVED IT!! We have never been to Sunday School together, but we thoroughly enjoyed our time and lesson. The people are Oakdale Baptist are super friendly and so eager to meet you and get you involved. I just may be talked into playing softball on the women's softball team...that should be very interesting.

With the weekend concluding, we also found out that I was not pregnant. As I was waking up this morning, I just knew that it didn't happen this month, and that's when I felt Charlie holding me, even though I hadn't yet said a word. I didn't turn over and cry and pull the covers over my head like I normally do, instead I lay in bed with my husband knowing that God has a plan and I know God will make good on His promise. Charlie noticed a peace about me this morning as we were getting ready to leave for work, and was surprised that I wasn't crying or that upset about it all. Don't get me wrong, I am disappointed that there is no baby, but I am thankful that the Clomid did its job, and I am thankful for God giving me strength to accept what I can't help this month. God hears my thoughts and knows just how badly I long for a child; He is the only one who understands what I cannot express in words. Its amazing that this month is the first time in such a long time that I do not feel inadequate and that I can't do what I was made to do. It will work out in God's time, and just like Lori tells me "You will have the right baby for you, and when you have your baby, you can't imagine having any other baby."

1 comment:

  1. sending up prayers for your today. I totally know how you felt this morning. It is truly all in how you look at it that helps with your emotions. Keep God 1st and He will tak cre of the rest.
    So really you guys are all over my stomping ground, I grew up near the peach tree! And What Oakdale church are you going to? Which city?
