Monday, August 9, 2010

Let's Get This Party Started...

I have been waiting for this day for 2 months and 3 days. Today marks day 1 on Clomid. Please pray for us as we embark on this journey yet again; a journey where you never know if you are going to get "normal" Mary or psycho chick. These two have been known to alternate by the minute, so watch out! In all seriousness, we need your prayers, so send them our way. We will keep you posted....maybe even a little bit of "normal" Mary or psycho chicks episodes. We should name these 2, any suggestions??? Send those my way too. Happy Monday ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    Best of luck as you embark on this Clomid cycle. I just finished my Cloimd + Ovidrel and had my IUI this morning. The side effects were not that bad, just some headaches, mild discomfort and tenderness of the ovaries and a little weepiness. BUT, I will gladly take it :)

    Wishing you the absolute best and sending truck loads of baby dust your way! Hang in there!

