Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Crazy Week of Emotions

I have always thought that I am a pretty level-headed person....for the most part, but whatever, we all have our moments. So the thoughts of pregnancy related emotions have really toyed with me this week. I never thought I would be one of the those who gets emotional or wrapped up emotionally in things during pregnancy....guess again!
Which brings me to the issue of what has me emotional: my relationship with my father. I won't go on too much, but those that know me or have followed my blog from the beginning know some of the issues that stem from my relationship with my dad. My father and mom split up (story of many people) about 2 years ago, but it was a nasty split; complete with an affair galore on my dad's side. During this time, my father said some very harsh things to my sister, our spouses, and myself. My point in writing this is that on my drives to work or laying in bed at night when I am feeling this lil guy stirring inside, I cannot imagine saying/acting in these ways to this miracle of life. This leaves me completely baffled at my father's behavior. Let me also be clear that I have prayed about this situation and have forgiven; I guess pregnancy just has a way of making you extra sensitive to life. I just pray that God will reveal His plan for my relationship with my father in His own time.
I changed my blog picture to my favorite Mother's Day picture from 2009. My mom and sister are amazing ladies and mothers. God blessed me richly with these two and not to mention my sweet niece, Reagan. This was Reagan's first Mother's Day post heart surgery, and we are so blessed to have her with us happy and healthy to this day. Moving on.
Who has had CRAZY allergies this past month? There is no way I can wear my contacts, go 30 minutes without sneezing, and watery/itchy eyes to no end. Allergy eye drops are my BFF right now. We were hanging out with friends on Saturday night and were grilling out. As I was looking around, I just saw white dandeloin (sp) fuzz falling from everywhere. Needless to say, I went inside and fell asleep....its okay though bc our friends are pregnant too, so they recognize when "momma" has had enough...I keep promising to post pics from the gender party, Charleston trip, and now a dear friend's baby shower. I promise to post those soon. Rambling on:

How Far Along: 18 weeks, 2 days
Weight Gain: up 1 lb. Total gain of 6 lbs...this will change at our doctor's appointment on Monday, I am sure of it.
Maternity Clothes: Yes to all
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: tossing and turning
Best Moment of the week: I FELT HIM MOVE!!!
Gender: Team BLUE
Belly Button: In
What I Miss: Nothing, I LOVE carrying this child.
Symptoms: I have just pieced together that I have been having braxton hicks contractions for the last 2 nights. Only a couple and not very strong. I also snissed myself the other day. Snissed, you may ask? Well, let's just say that when I sneezed, it caused another reaction. Charlie wondered why I was bolting towards the stairs to the shower.
Looking Forward To: Our appointment on Monday when I get to see him on the ultrasound and hear his heartbeat.
Milestones: I am the most pregnant I have ever been and blessed with a boy!!

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  1. I haven't snissed yet, but while walking at the park, I stopped by my truck to get my headphones. I decided to kind of jump out of my truck, and when my feet touched the happened. Walking was not comfortable after that. :(

  2. Diana, funny thing is, earlier on the sniss day I was grocery shopping and sneezed and thought to myself no snissing yet...Go ME! Well wouldn't you know what happened later that night.
