Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Crazy Busy and No Time to Stop

Good morning. I have yet to post Charleston pics or the Gender Party pics...I am slack, I know. This week and last weekend were crazy busy and it doesn't stop there. We are in the middle of Baby Boom 2011 and I cannot believe all the ladies pregnant, just had babies, or REALLY contemplating expanding that family. This weekend, I am hosting a baby shower for my dear friend Lindsey. Her husband and mine have been friends since childhood, and their little girl Tatum is due in June. The next 3 weekends are consumed with seeing old friends and baby showers...I told you Baby Boom 2011.

This past Monday and Tuesday I was in Raleigh for work. Its amazing what people think you can or can't do or what you want just becuase you are pregnant. For example, my co worker offered to drive home yesterday. I LOVE to drive on these trips bc they go by faster. She just wanted to make sure that I could drive or sit in the car for a 3 hour drive. Sweet offer, but I never thought about that; instead I drove. Or yesterday, I went to talk to a lady at this company. After she answered my question, she took me to meet another lady (who has nothing to do with our work with this company) only to show me her candy jar full of bite-sized chocolates. She told me she thought I would enjoy meeting this lady and having access to her candy jar. Ummmm, no thank you. Or how about someone offering to pump my gas bc "the baby doesn't need to smell the gas fumes." These are all sweet gestures and all, but really, I still have a life and function just fine. I have been told, it only gets worse, or better, depending on how you look at it.

I just want to say that many of my readers have reached out to me over the last few weeks and months, and left me the sweetest facebook messages EVER. I appreciate everyone of you and look forward to sharing in your journeys as well. For those of you that I follow your blogs and consider real life friends, I am thinking of you often and praying for your adventures with your new "promises." Update us when you can.

Rambling on to updates:

How Far Along: 17 weeks, 1 day

Weight Gain: Up 1 lb. Total gain of 6 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Bottoms always, some dresses, and starting to look at shirts. PS~Destination Maternity has tanks for layering for $7.50 when you buy 2 or more. I am really digging tie dye apparel too.

Stretch Marks: Nope, still attempting to fight genetics and slathering on belly butters and creams.

Sleep: Just fine

Best Moment of the Week: Creating little man's registry at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us

Gender: Team BLUE!!

Belly Button: In

What I Miss: Nothing, I LOVE carrying this baby boy!

Looking Forward To: Feeling him kick and hopefully my belly will pop out soon. Still rocking the chub-from-consuming-adult-beverages-look.

Milestones: I am the most pregnant I have ever been and blessed with a baby boy!

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  1. Mary! You definitely look prego girl...NOT CHUBBY (as you put lol) I love reading your blogs I am beyond happy for you and Charlie!Praying for you guys all the time!

  2. Thanks doll. In your last post about Lydia and Josh, totally thought it was you who was pregnant....until I read further. Little Hannah is sooo cute!!
