Friday, August 5, 2011

Some Thoughts for My Sweet Mason Man

I have said it before, and I will say it again, my drives to and from work are the most reflective part of my day. I am REALLY inspired and driven during the morning hours. On these drives, I have these repeating thoughts and visions about our Mason. He is usually waking up on these drives and I love to feel his morning stirring and imagine his space is starting to get quite cramped. I long to see and touch those sweet feet, knees, elbows, and pat that little booty that continuously pokes out during the day. I cannot wait for our first moment together skin on skin when I get to look that sweet boy in the face and see God's greatest gift to us; a combination of my completing piece (Charlie) and me. Tears fill my eyes as I think of those first moments together. I pray that I have the ability and patience to nurse him and provide him with all his nutrient needs. I picture the newborn days where we are both trying to educate the other on what the other needs and figuring each other out and the patience that I will acquire over those coming days. Visions of rocking him in his beautiful nursery and cuddling up on Sunday nights with his Daddy and me to watch movies (in his case sleep or feed or cry). I picture Sunday afternoon football games in our Panther gear or Duke basketball watching with Daddy in Duke attire. This child shall never want or need for anything as we cannot wait to give him the world. Waiting so long to share something like this with a precious soul is more than I can comprehend sometimes.

My sweet Mason, Mommy is so eager to meet you, hold you, soothe you, spoil you, nuture you, and show you the world. I pray for you daily and for a smooth arrival into this world. Keep puckering those lips, opening your eyes, and practicing your breathing sweet child and I will hold you soon.

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  1. Mary your blog is wonderful, and I truly enjoy reading it. I just wanted to let you know, if you have any questions or concerns with breastfeeding, please don't hesitate to ask, it has created some of the most enjoyable moments with my boys, and I'm happy to help however possible!

  2. Mary,
    I am just so happy for you that you are experiencing these sweet moments with your little Mason. He is beautiful! Just beautiful! I am praising God for the sweet life inside of you today! He is Faithful! So Faithful!
    <3 Jenny H
