Friday, October 29, 2010

SOOO Excited!

Good morning. I have been up bright and early this morning with no signs of stopping until about 9-10 tonight. Soooo, I took the plunge and called the REACH Clinic (Reproductive Endocrinology Associates of Charlotte). I just felt like we were spinning our wheels at the OB's office, and while I have a ton of respect for my doctor (he is who discovered my niece's heart and chromosomal defects), I realized I would not be his first patient to seek additional help without his referral. After explaining to his nurse my complete respect for him, but I just FEEL I need more help than what an OB's office can provide; she informed me that he would gladly have me back after I was pregnant (God willing). I felt like I was breaking up with my OB.

So before I called his office and spoke to his nurse, I called REACH to find out if I needed a referral, if they accept my insurance, and how far out they are booking appointments. No, I don't need a referral, yes they accept my insurance, and they have appointments in November. So the receptionist put me through to the New Patient Appointment scheduler, and didn't hear back from her on Wednesday. So, I called first thing yesterday morning; finally got her on the phone and told her:
She said "How ready?"
I said "What do you have available?"
She said "Tomorrow morning at 10:30, we had a cancellation."
I said "Schedule it."

So yes, I am on my way to the REACH Clinic this morning. It all fell into line so perfectly. I cannot wait to have a "plan" of my own and to get answers. Oh, how nice answers will be. Please pray for us on this new part of our journey.


  1. This is such good news! I am so hopeful for you. I hope the new RE is able to make this grueling process a little easier and will have some reassuring news for you. Hugs!!

  2. Mary,

    I am over joyed with excitement for you!!! Makes me want to do back flips!

    The decision that you have made will be one that you will NOT regret. As I have said before, the only regret that I have is in not seeing an RE sooner. My RE was AHHHMAZING! He tested for everything and collected all of his data and then began my treatment. His protocol was spot on and we achieved our miracle through him...well, not without the the hand of God, but Dr. Ke was the vehicle that got us to where we are.

    If you have ANY quesitons, please feel free to email me or leave a message on my blog and I will contact you. My TTC life is an open book :)

    And how fabulous that you got in immediately! Good things are on the horizon honey...refuse to believe any differently!

    Much Love
