Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Please Pray

Hey ya'll. I just wanted to lift a couple families up in prayer. Please pray for:

1) My next-door neighbor Terri and family. Terri's husband Kent passed away Monday morning, there is no cause of death determined as of now, but it was very sudden. I know how in shock we are bc Charlie just spoke to Kent Sunday morning before church in the yard, and I just cannot imagine how shocked his wife and children are. Please remember Terri and Kent's children, 2 twin boys (20 somethings) and 1 daughter (20 something). Their daughter was supposed to get married in 11 days back home in Wisconsin. PLEASE lift this family up in prayer.

2) Also, we have a family in our Sunday school class. The husband was laying down floors in their house on Monday and was using some form of a saw. I know there have been one of few fingers lost (not sure of the specific details), but either way this will be an adjustment to him, his wife, and son. Please pray for his healing and strength.

3) On a positive note, I have praise I wanted to share. A good friend of ours found a job in Charlotte after being laid off, and is starting work today. Pray for him to excel at this new occupation and to continue to provide for his wife.

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