I just wanted to share with ya'll a few things (as in 15) that I cannot live without right now. In no specific order, here they are:
1) Yoplait Greek Yogurt, honey flavored. I am over Fage and Stoneyfield's versions of greek yogurt. Honey flavored Yoplait is where it's at.

2) Starbucks Oatmeal with fruit and nuts. I LOVE this on-the-go breakfast and its pretty darn good for you too. This is my first choice if I am running late with no time to pack my breakfast.
3) Starbucks Grande Skinny Caramel Steamer. Absolutely amazeballs!! There are some mornings I just need that hot beverage from my favorite coffee shop, but this way I skip out on the caffeine and get a ton of calcium.

4) The nursing bra. While this bra may look like a sixth grade PE bra; I can wear (and do) wear it now, but I plan on using it as my nursing sleep bra after Mason's arrival. Brand: Motherhood Maternity; price $19.99

5) Websites that sell normal clothes. Think http://www.thelimited.com/, http://www.loft.com/, http://www.target.com/, http://www.gap.com/, and http://www.oldnavy.com/. These websites are my outlet and allow me to dream about the non-maternity-clothes-world.
6) Klondike Bars. These are such a treat. Heath bar flavor is my favorite; although the Reese Cup flavor gives the Heath Bar a run for their money.

7) Mother's Special Blend Oil. This was recommended by a "Bumpie" and I absolutely LOVE it. There is no scent, it keeps me moisturized, and I have found I much more prefer oil over lotions and creams. Lotions and creams have started to make me feel sticky behind the knees, which I am REALLY paranoid about and cannot go to sleep if I have this condition.

8) Exfoliator. I have tried several scrubs and use exfoliating gloves when I use these scrubs. Next on my to-try list: Burt's Bees Sugar Scrub. I LOVE being freshly exfoliated and moisturized. 

9) Highlighting Powder. I do not like bronzer as I am a fair skinned chica who does need to Jersery Shore herself up. I know, I know, some bronzers are for fair skinned ladies, but I am just not a fan. This summer, I have not been able to live without the MaryKay Highlighting Powder.
10) Mascara. A girl should never leave home without this on. Moving on.
11) Flats. This is all I have lived in this pregnancy. I am normally not a flat-wearing girl, but I may be somewhat converted....somewhat, not exclusively. My most recent pair purchased:

12) Prenatal Massages. I have only had one prenatal massage this pregnancy. However, I have booked a second one (complete with "cradle" pillow and all for 2 Saturday's from now).
13) Waxing. It may not feel great, but when you can't see what's going on downstairs; its always great to let someone help you out. In my case, I chose Gina from Dolce Lusso Salon and Spa.
14) Exercise Research. I LOVE (pre-pregnancy) finding new exercises and classes to take. I am super pumped to check out Hot Yoga and incorporate this back into my jogging, body pump, boot camp routine.....post baby.
15) Sleep. Enough said.
I think No. 15 would be my No. 1!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely agree with lots of these! I need a nursing bra or 2 so definitely going to take your suggestion on that one! And, maybe, just MAYBE I'll take your suggestion on Dolce Lusso...but I have to get the nerve up first!
ReplyDeleteOh nursing bras, my least favorite part of nursing, LOL - I have become a fan of nursing tanks though, you should check them out. And hot yoga is AMAZING. You think you might just die while you're doing it, but once its over you feel wonderful!